Pollinate Energy Young Professionals Program,
Hyderabad 2016
Young Professionals Program
Hyderabad, India
March 28 - April 8, 2016
Who Is Pollinate Energy?
Now known as Pollinate Group, their teams in India and Nepal identify, train and develop change agents in urban and rural communities to serve their peers who live on less than $1.50 a day. Community change agents earn respect and meaningful income, and become role models who raise awareness about better alternatives. Unlike other last-mile distributors, our change agents can earn up to seven times the informal wage. To make products affordable they offer cash-based payment plans to families in transient and overlooked communities. The default rate is a meagre 2%. Their customer service focus, including after sales support, is also a key differentiator to help break the cycle of poverty in the communities they serve.
Why Did We Partner With Them?
In 2016 our CEO, Erin Colshan participated in the Hyderabad fellowship program which is designed to foster tomorrow’s leaders and bring together young people from all backgrounds who have a passion for improving lives through social business models and environmentally sustainable solutions.
We spent 4 weeks on the ground in Hyderabad with a team of aspiring young changemakers. We learned about the lives of families living in India’s slums and spent time interacting with them to understand their challenges and needs. We will put that learning into practice and worked alongside Pollinate Energy's team on strategic projects that helped improve their business.
During our time in India we helped to create a lasting impact – both for ourselves and for the communities that we served.
What Did We Learn?
This experience helped Erin learn and develop ideas for future projects. This experience was invaluable to the development of Building Humanity and all the future projects.
*Below is a pamphlet Erin helped put together to distribute to communities to showcase all the different products that Pollinate Energy has available.